
Don Pedro Albizu Campos; Genius revolutionary, Boricua Hero (second revised edition)

Many don't know his name. He was the president of the Partido Nationalista Puerto Rico. He called for armed revolution, simultaneous uprisings in towns around Puerto Rico, and an attack on La Fortaleza. But we have to ask, why? Why did he do these things? Was he a psychopath who tried to violently overthrow the United States? Or was this born from a profound need for extreme actions? We cannot fully understand him or his valiant fight for independence without understanding the circumstances from which he evolved. Some call him a terrorist, and others call him a hero. This is the story of Pedro Albizu Campos, known affectionately by many as Don Pedro.

Las Carpetas: How the FBI spied on over 100,000 Puerto Ricans

Carpetas, started by governor Blanton Whinship in the 1930's, were used to systematically spy on thousands of Puerto Ricans from the 1930's to the 1980's. It was so widespread it even became a verb in Puerto Rico, te carpetearon. Carpetas contained secret police dossiers that included a realm of personal information. Calls would be tapped, …

Continue reading Las Carpetas: How the FBI spied on over 100,000 Puerto Ricans

55 years since the death of Don Pedro Albizu Campos (1892-1965).

“When tyranny is law, revolution is order.”“A people full of courage and dignity cannot be conquered by any imperialism.”“The Americans have nothing to offer the world unless it be the destruction of their own empire. The American empire is a curse even to it’s own people”“Those who do not respect the ashes of their elders …

Continue reading 55 years since the death of Don Pedro Albizu Campos (1892-1965).

Freedom fighter / Revolutionary Rafael Cancel Miranda passed on to the ancestors.

"U.S. imperialism controls our country socially, politically and economically. They control the mass media, the schools. They indoctrinate us from the time we're children...When you believe they're all powerful and we're powerless, you're already on the mat before they even throw a punch at you. But our people are becoming aware of their own strength, …

Continue reading Freedom fighter / Revolutionary Rafael Cancel Miranda passed on to the ancestors.

The Utuado Uprising/Massacre you don’t hear about in school.

A national guard removes a puerto rican flag from building. In late October and November, 1950, the Partido Nationalista de Puerto Rico, (Puerto Rican Nationalist Party) led uprisings and rebellions all over the island. The US national guard and insular police’s response was brutal. Many nationalists were killed and thousands were imprisoned on false and …

Continue reading The Utuado Uprising/Massacre you don’t hear about in school.